Pure mountain air, health effects of the natural environment,

local gastronomy, small villages social life,

physiotherapist treatments.

This is truly a "Blue Zone", Júzcar Aldea Azul.

Enjoy and relax on your vacation. The foot clinic also allows for the production of individual insoles for trails!

Physiotherapy, massage, insoles.

FysioRami, Rami Kääriäinen

Fisioterapeuta Colegiado nro: 294728, (Andalucia, España.)

Fysioterapeutti nro: 50601399020 (Valvira, terhikki), Finland.



Whatsapp: +34   635 295 220

Insta/Face: @fysiorami

The health effects of the environment


Clean, fresh and dryer mountain air, perfect for wildlife. The green Genal Valley is protected by the mountains, protecting cities from pollution and humidity from sea and Costa del Sol. The area has been shown to have the best air quality of the province, and the green forests are like the Mediterranean lungs. Because of the climate of mountains, there is no necessary need for air conditioning. In the villages it is enough when the windows are open for ventilation, with the addition of a fan on summer nights, and chimneys in the winters.

In the summer, the air in the Genal valley is inland mountain air, and the high humidity of the coast does not affect us. So in the summer, the drier air does not feel so hot being much more comfortable. In winter, drier air does not seem as cold as the moisture and humidity of the coast.


Mountains give natural physical exertion, when walking in the Genal Valley. People are in overall good condition, and it´s like natural gym with exercises going up and down the grooves ans steep slopes of the valley, to the trails and to their gardens. Perfect for training camps!


Local gastronomy and independent 0 m production guarantee ecological nutrition quality in small villages. The area is famous for Andalucian award winning;  goat cheese, famous and healthy 100% Bellota Iberico- meat production, natural wines, artisan bread.

Social health

The Fiestas of a small village is a very social communal event. Who bring people together, working together without pay, doing good together - this is part of the overall health,

which is missing from the largest cities and is slowly disappearing in the world.


Water is life and our village always has water. Our River Zuas is spring, that gives birth to the river, and flows 623 l /min - always, winter and summer, in dry seasons also. Elderly people say that this is the real and original birth to the river Genal, and keeps the river Genal alive. 

Old village has, of course, many fountains also. 

Júzcar has a municipality's own swimming pool and chiringuito- restaurant open in the summertime.

Our water in Casa GranSenderista

The Alkanatur shower filter for the rooms is ecological and improves hair and skin.

The shower filter protects our skin and helps to heal ailments such as dermatitis, psoriasis, rash, etc. Just as we take care of what we eat, we need to take care of our shower water. Why? Because shower water can contain elements that are harmful not only to our skin but also to health. Chlorine or heavy metals such as lead or cadmium enter the bloodstream without a filter through the skin. This can cause minor health problems such as itching or redness, but it can also lead to more serious problems as these elements are constantly in our body.

Double shower filters:

100 % Certified by 100 % CACTI (Center for Scientific and Technological Research Support), a Vigo University CACTI. (Certificates). Removes 99% of the chlorine, heavy metals, disinfect, remove impurities, remove bad odors, remove organic material. Improves hair and skin. 

Most of the filters on the market use the filtration product called calcium sulfite (also called additive E226). This product is a synthetic derivative that is born by burning minerals with sulfur and, although it is used in small amounts of food, repeated contact with it is very toxic.

For this reason, the Alkanatur shower filter does not contain calcium sulfite. The filters are based on a completely natural product, such as activated carbon.

Our shower soaps

Absolute Nordic Skincare - Guest Cosmetics Series

Find Scandinavian's rugged natural beauty!

Certified with the Nordic Swan environmental sign and 100 % recyclable packaging, you can be sure that nature will remain unambiguous while enjoying a refreshing shower.

Absolute Nordic Skincare is deeply rooted in the principle "less is more".

A clean, minimalist approach is merged with a sustainable, environmental -conscious attitude and provides a peculiar treatment experience.

Selected compositions include Nordic cotton extract, known for its soothing and protective effects.

The clear Scandinavian packaging design, which respects the nature and principle of pure beauty, blends perfectly into gentle, environmentally friendly formats and creates a unique Guest collection with the award-winning swan. A pleasant, fresh, floral scent, with a woody nuance, provides a light and relaxing treatment experience.

Key features:

✓ A gentle composition and scent

✓ All liquids have a Nordic cotton extract known for its moisturizing, soothing and protective effects

Certified with a Nordic Swan label: Rinse products are:

✓ Over 97 % biodegradable

✓ Used renewable and herbal materials

✓ All slowly biodegradable ingredients have been reduced to absolute minimum 

✓ Non -colorless

To save resources, all packages:

✓ Has been kept to a minimum

✓ is recyclable

✓ Made by methods of saving natural resources

Bioethanol fireplace, room bioethanol fireplaces

The plant based bioethanol fireplaces in the rooms are respectful of nature.

The bioethanol of the herbal bioethanol is a high quality burning, it does not generate steam or odors, only releases water vapor and small amounts of CO2, naturally in the breathing air.

Thanks to its natural origin, it is an environmental product. Great return on heating energy. Suitable for use in bioethanol fireplaces.